Product Information
Hidden treasure in the Homolje mountains. It is believed that this treasure was swallowed by the mountain itself, and that it is now at the bottom of the golden cave. The cave is supposedly guarded by Tartor, a water spirit, also called Starac or Albatrna, because of which the locals are not allowed to enter the water during their tireless search for buried treasure. Although no one has found the treasure yet. How to recognize Tartor? If you find yourself in the vicinity and see a dwarf about one meter tall who looks like an old man with a whip in his hand - run as far as your legs carry you. It is Tartor. He carries a drum with him and invites the victims to the alleged village celebration; it is not a celebration but the Devil's Day. If Tartor does not take his victim immediately, he calls her three times during the night and soon in three days he receives her again.
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About the Artist/Seller
Jelena Tankosic