
. 1999-2004
Faculty of Art, University in Nish.
Acquired profession: A GRADUATE PAINTER



1998 Gallery of Cultural Center „Laza Kostic“ , Sombor.
1998 Business Exhibition Space „Apatinturs“ , Apatin.
2001- Art Gallery „Stara Kapetanija“ , Zemun.
2001- Art Gallery „Helena“ , Belgrade.
2003- Art Gallery „Nova Forma“ , Sombor.
2009 - Gallery Prometej , Novi sad.


1999, 2000 – Sombor.
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 – Samac, (Republika Srpska).
2000 – Gaggenau (Germany).
2002 – Despotovac (study).
2002 – Sal on mladih „Likovno Proleće“ , Sombor.
2003 – Salon mladih „Likovno Proleće“ , Sombor.
2003 – Aleksinac (study), Gallery of the Center for Culture and Art.
2004 – Nish (study), Gallery of Contemporary Fine Art.
2004 – Belgrade (study), Studentski Kulturni Centar.
2006 - Agora Gallery ,Chelsea, New York City.
2007 - Gallery of Cultural Center „Laza Kostic“ , Sombor.
2008-2017-Great number exhibitions

.Member of the SoHo and the Chelsea, New York Citu fine art communitu.
.The Firat Prize Winner of the fine art settlement „Ivanjdan“ , Mataruge.
.The first prize winner of the Salon „Likovno Proleće“ , Sombor 2003.
.Participiant of the great number of fine art colonies and benefactor’s actions in the country and abroad..
.There have been many artist critics, reviews and statements which have followed the work of artist.

Lives and Works: Serbia, Sombor

Nikola Nikolić joined SerbianaArt on 17.11.2018.

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