Otvaranje izložbe slika ~ Trag u vreme :: Djordjevic Snezana

Otvaranje izložbe slika ~ Trag u vreme

Solo 9th exhibition called ~~Trace in Time~~ Dom Omladine in Kragujevac, Serbia The exhibition presents 8 large - format works created during the past and the beginning of this year 2021. Visitors will be able to see the artworks in the period from March 1 to March 31, 2021 Thanks for visiting Enjoy! The exhibition was opened by Dejan Ilić Cvika, bassist and artist of the group Van Gogh

Artist Djordjevic Snezana

Djordjevic Snezana

Watercolor - Paper | 21 × 28 cm
On Request

Djordjevic Snezana

Oil - Canvas | 40 × 50 cm
On Request

Djordjevic Snezana

Mixed Media - Canvas | 50 × 70 cm
On Request

Djordjevic Snezana

Mixed Media - Canvas | 140 × 80 cm
On Request