Whispering Constellations :: Emili Sun

Whispering Constellations

The promotion of the interactive book and the exhibition of pictures and illustrations called Whispering Constellations was held from 18.06. until 02.07.2023. year in the Multimedia Hall of the Cultural Center Vlada Divljan in Belgrade.

The audience had the creative challenge of coloring STIH & ART illustrations, music for the soul, pictures that illustrate the book, a prize draw and socializing at the Vlada Divljan Culture Center.

I thank the audience who made the event beautiful and the participants and collaborators for their support: Moderator of the program and photos - Mariola Pantelić Musical support on the violin - Dimitrije Vulević Support in the organization - Miloš Marinković Dear people and children who read parts from the book: Aleksa Milošević - song Moja draga Ladybug Filip Milošević - song Surprise Ivana Lijeskić - song Kćeri Miloš Marinković - song Thank you for being with me Mariola Pantelić - Colorful fan Author of Slađana Emili Sun - songs Whispering constellations and Believe it or not, Stories Beauty of the moment and Dear genius being.

Whatever your bright mind wishes for, let your diligent mind make it come true! @emili.billionaire.sun

Artist Emili Sun

Emili Sun

Mixed Media - Paper | 70 × 50 cm

Emili Sun

Acrylic - Canvas | 40 × 50 cm

Emili Sun

Acrylic - Canvas | 70 × 40 cm

Emili Sun

Acrylic - Canvas | 40 × 50 cm