Product Information
Serbia, Church in Karan (1340-1342.), The Saint George, detail, copy of the fresco. Picture is currently for sale.Share and promote this artwork
Serbia, Church in Karan, The Saint George, detail, copy of the fresco
Item ID:
Copy By -
62 × 72 cm
Unspecified, Canvas
Religious theme
Year of created:
Framed without glass
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066 910 4799
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About the Artist/Seller
Jovanovic B. Zoran
Zoran B. Jovanovic was born in 1956. in Mladenovac, Serbia. He studied art history at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. He has been delved into a research of medieval Serbian and Byzantine art for three and a half decades.He has been devoted to the copying of medieval Serbian frescoes since 1985. To be able to master the technique and to achieve the top quality, he resides and works in medieval churches every summer.During the process of copying, Zoran...
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Artist Jovanovic B. Zoran
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