Kovačević Mira, Slikanje vinom
Mira Kovacevic was born on June the 13th, 1981 in Zemun. She has finished the School of Art Crafts in Sabac. She graduated art of painting on Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, in the class of Professor Dusan Otasevic. Currently she is working in The Cultural Center of Sabac as an editor of children’s scene. She has participated in many collective exhibitions and art colonies in Serbia and surroundings. So far she had twelve one-man exhibitions. Besides painting Mira deals with costimography. So far she has created costumes for eight thetrical performances, mainly for children. She is also the author of several murals which decorate children’s department in the hospital in Sabac. She is a member of Association of Fine Arts creators in Sabac and Association of Fine Artists „Esnaf“. mirakovacevic.rs@gmail.com
Lives and Works: Serbia, Pančevo