
I am Sanja Vićentijević, born on September 12, 1994, in Velika Plana, and I am a self-taught painter. I have been painting and drawing since childhood, but my artistic style has only recently begun to take shape, inspired by the works and teachings of Hieronymus Bosch, Milić of Mačva, Milan Tucović, and Rikardo Druškić. My paintings are a blend of expressionism, surrealism, and fantasy. Inspiration comes in an instant, and without any planning or deliberation, the paintings emerge in one breath. I create artworks rich in symbolism, aiming to spark curiosity in viewers for the hidden stories playing out within them.

instagram: studio_nobli

Lives and Works: Serbia, Beograd

Studio Nobli joined SerbianaArt on Sep 2, 2024.

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