064 436 5818
Paintings | Unspecified | Unspecified on Canvas
Jovanovic B. Zoran
Serbia, Monastery Gracanica, The Prophet Elijah, detail, copy of the fresco
Unspecified on Canvas
| 60 × 80 cm
Jovanovic B. Zoran
Serbia, Decani, The Blooming Croos, copy of the fresco
Unspecified on Canvas
| 60 × 80 cm
Jovanovic B. Zoran
Serbia, Pec, The Last Supper, detail-Glass of wine, bread, fork, knif, copy of t
Unspecified on Canvas
| 44 × 53 cm
Jovanovic B. Zoran
Serbia, Ravanica, Healing of the Blind,detail- The Christ, copy of fresco
Unspecified on Canvas
| 60 × 80 cm
Jovanovic B. Zoran
Staro Nagoricino, Witnesses on the windows, copy of fresco
Unspecified on Canvas
| 82 × 62 cm
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.