
Radojka Dobrijevic - She finished Advanced School of Economy in Belgrade. She is living and working in Apatin. She rights poetry and paints. She participated at 24th “Bronkovo kolo” on the occasion of promotion of the book “Venac od rose” (“Dew Crown”); the book was named after her poem published in “Dnevnik” from Novi Sad.

She published her poetry in collections “Poems of Time” of 5th YU POET FEST Palić – Subotica 1995. The collection rounded the globe through central office for literature in Brussels. She published her first individual poem collection in 1997 “Hoar-Frost Cloak” printed by Cultural Center from Apatin. In 2002 she published her second individual poem collection “Sky Is Calling Me” when she created the design and painted it, with illustrations; she was also the publisher of the poem collection.

She since had nine individual painting displays in cities of Serbia, as well as numerous collective displays. She is a participant of international painting humanitarian colonies.

Lives and Works: Serbia, Apatin

Dobrijevic Radojka joined SerbianaArt on Jul 28, 2011.

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