
Can I get a refund?
If needed, you have 7 days after receiving an item to request a refund and arrange for the item to be returned. Reasons for requesting a refund include receiving a damaged item, receiving the wrong item, or the item not being as expected. The item must be in its original state, undamaged, with accompanying documentation, and in the original packaging. Please specify the reason for returning it.

How do I get a refund?
If you have received the item, it is recommended that you contact the seller immediately to arrange how and where to return the item and other details concerning your refund.

At what point can I request a refund?
You can request a refund as soon as you have paid for the order, up to 7 days after you have received the order.

How can I contact the seller?
It is recommended to contact the seller by e-mail or in the same way as when ordering the item. Upon receipt of the shipment, you can see the address and contact details of the seller responsible for the delivery of that item. Also, if necessary, you can visit the seller's website on SerbianaArt to check if they have provided alternative contact information, such as a phone number.

Am I also refunded my original shipping costs?
If the seller has not yet shipped the item to you and has not incurred shipping preparation costs, then your shipping costs should be refunded. Otherwise, the seller decides whether to refund your original shipping costs or not. This is something you, as the buyer, might be able to arrange with the seller.

Do I send the item back to SerbianaArt or to the seller?
You must return the item to the seller. The seller is responsible for originally shipping the item to you as well as handling the return. Please contact the seller to get the return address.

Do I need to send the item back to the seller to get a refund?
Yes.   You must return the item to the seller for them to process a refund. Be sure to provide the seller with the tracking number for your return shipment. The tracking number allows you and the seller to track the return shipment and serves as proof of shipment.

Do I need to get a tracking number for my return shipment?
Yes.   Provide the seller with the tracking number for your return shipment. The tracking number allows both you and the seller to track the return shipment and serves as proof of shipment. SerbianaArt may also request tracking information in the case of a dispute or other circumstances.

Am I issued a refund as soon as I contact the seller, or does the seller have to receive the item back first?
It is up to the seller whether they issue a refund immediately or wait until they receive the item back. In any case, sellers are encouraged to issue refunds as soon as possible.

What information should I include with the item I am returning?
Include sufficient information with the returned item so that, when the seller receives it, they will know who sent it and where it came from. A copy of the original receipt or simply the order number should be sufficient. Also, provide the seller with the tracking number for your return shipment, allowing both parties to track the return and serving as proof of shipment.

Am I reimbursed for the shipping costs when sending the item back to the seller?
The seller is not required to reimburse shipping costs for returning an item. However, this is something you, as the buyer, might be able to arrange with the seller.

How long does it take to get a refund?
Once the seller processes the refund, the money will be immediately returned to your PayPal account or payment card.

The seller refuses to give me a refund; what now?
Please refer to Problems with Seller.